
Corporate management principles 
ebm-papst code of conduct

An important part of our corporate culture is that our actions are guided not only by legal requirements, but also by a commitment to ethical standards. We are respectful towards people and the environment and cherish them. 

ebm-papst is a special company. This mainly comes down to our fundamental values that we have been working with for over 50 years. 

Hans Peter Fuchs
Managing Director of Finance and Controlling at ebm-papst Group

The ebm‑papst Code of Conduct:
Our principles for acting responsibly and legitimately

This can be supported and expanded by rules and training specific to the area or country. Our managers have a particular responsibility. They must set an example by following the rules and values of ebm-papst described in this code of conduct. They are the first point of contact if any employees have questions about the correct way to behave. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with the code of conduct.

The relevant line manager, the managing director of the site and subsidiaries or the commercial Group management will answer any questions on how to behave on a case-by-case basis.

All ebm-papst Group employees must follow our code of conduct.

Violations will not be tolerated and may result job loss or criminal proceedings.

Overriding principle

We expect you to abide by the law. We abide by the laws of the countries in which we work. Criminal behavior is not an option and is not in the interest of our company because it is unethical, leads to serious reputational damage and can result in prosecution, damage compensation and loss of orders.

Employees who act criminally need to be aware that they may face prosecution. Acting in accordance with the law serves to protect the employee.

All employees are obliged to find out about the regulations applicable to their area of responsibility and to comply with them. In there is any doubt, the employee must contact their line manager for clarification.

(RBA) code of conduct

We have committed ourselves to complying with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)’s code of conduct, which further substantiates our code of conduct.

The (RBA) code of conduct is a key component of our supply chain and we expect all of our business partners to commit to upholding its values.

Its core concerns are safe working conditions, treating employees with respect and dignity, and environmentally compatible, ethically tenable business processes.

Social responsibility and sustainability

ebm-papst is completely aware of its social responsibility. Above and beyond complying with legal stipulations, we voluntarily support sustainable development at the ebm-papst Group and in our community.

Humanity, as well as efficiency and passion, is at the center of all that we do.

We are never inconsiderate in our drive for success. We consider ourselves to be open and reliable, loyal to our customers and employees. We behave with integrity. As a company, we know that we also have an obligation to society. We create the space that each and every one of us requires to develop – and we reward performance.

We also consider the long-term effects in everything we do. Resource conservation, energy efficiency, environmental protection and employee development safeguard our future. With our sincere, sustainable behavior, we intend to set an international example and do our part to make our world’s division of labor fairer.

Human rights

Human rights are universal, inalienable and indivisible rights to which everyone is equally entitled.

Respect for these fundamental rights is an integral part of our corporate culture.

We are committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights throughout our business operations and expect our business partners in the supply chain to also commit to these values and implement them in their value chains.

We conduct appropriate due diligence checks in particular when selecting suppliers and in our dealings with existing suppliers. We demand and promote fair working conditions.

Respect for human rights is an assessment criterion in our supplier selection process.

We do not tolerate conduct that contributes to or supports human rights abuses. We take appropriate corrective action in the event of human rights violations.

Bribery, corruption, gifts, donations

Bribery and corruption are illegal and unethical. Both put our employees and company at high risk. Bribery and corruption represent an existential threat to the company and are therefore not an option, meaning that they must be avoided. They can also cause a loss in turnover. We do not offer our business partners inadmissible benefits and do not accept them. We recognize involving third parties/departments, paying bribery payments, kick-back payments and financial incentives, among other things, as acts of corruption.

We are cautious in giving and accepting gifts and other donations (such as invitations to dinner or other events). These must never be designed such that accepting them falls outside normal business practices of hospitality, custom, and courtesy.

Taxes and subsidies

Each country’s tax laws are compulsory and, therefore, must be strictly followed. Every employee must be aware that tax fraud leads to prosecution – not only for the company but also for individual employees. There is a high risk of any tax fraud being discovered as tax authorities perform regular and careful inspections.

Suspicions very quickly lead to law enforcement officials intervening. When customers and suppliers are involved, tax audit tracer notes are sent to their tax authorities and vice versa.

Transaction assessments related to fiscal and subsidy law are often difficult. In cases of doubt, you must speak to your line manager and/or seek clarification from the commercial Group management.

Safeguarding fair competition

Competition can only work if it is free and fair. Coordinated competition is not competition. That’s why we do not agree on our competitive behavior with our competitors. We abide by the laws on protecting competition. In particular, agreeing on prices and conditions, allocating markets and regions, allocating customers, and coordinating offers, development strategies or production strategies are prohibited. Even exchanging information with competitors, which may lay the foundations for a coordinated approach, is not permitted (in particular regarding prices, costs, margins, conditions, customers, offers, product development, production capacities).

The competition authorities constantly monitor violations against these provisions. Violations can lead to company sanctions that threaten the company’s very existence.

International trade

ebm-papst benefits greatly from international trade. Safeguarding it and complying with its rules is in our own interest. Therefore, we observe existing import and export regulations, obtain the necessary approvals and pay for the specified duties and taxes. If anything is unclear, the export agents must be consulted.

The authorities regularly check that companies are complying with these regulations. Violations carry considerable fines.

We respect third-party property rights.

We are responsible when dealing with our company’s property and other companies’ property. We respect our business partners’ integrity.

Thought, ideas and designs are also property and are therefore protected by law.

We respect third-party intellectual property. As a technology company with a high research and development outlay, ebm-papst relies on protecting its inventions and expertise. This is why we handle business secrets with particular care. It must be ensured that confidential information does not get into the hands of unauthorized third parties.

This also applies to confidential information that we receive from our business partners. If particular confidentiality is required in special circumstances (e.g. sensitive development projects from customers or business acquisitions), we also keep the information confidential from our colleagues.

Privacy policy

We only use our employees’ and contractual partners' personal data for the purposes outlined and we treat it confidentially. ebm-papst abides by the laws relating to personal data protection in full.

Documentation of business processes

Internal and external reports must be correct and complete so that the person receiving them gets the right information. In doing so, we are committed to presenting facts and maintaining an objective style.

Documents required for ongoing or forthcoming internal research or official investigations must not be destroyed, deleted or changed.

Product safety, occupational safety and environmental protection

We have the highest standards when it comes to the quality and safety of our products and services. We monitor the quality of our products on the market and support our customers in preventing hazards.

We ensure a safe working environment. Safety regulations must be strictly observed and checked for effectiveness. Any defects must be reported and rectified immediately.

We make efficient use of natural resources and also strive to save energy for our products (in conjunction with our GreenTech corporate mission). We avoid harmful environmental impacts. For us, complying with environmental protection laws is a given.

Avoiding conflicts of interest

We separate business and private interests. Secondary business activities require the prior consent of ebm-papst. It is important to ask your line manager about this. This applies in particular to secondary activities for or financial investments in ebm-papst’s competitors, customers or suppliers. You must tell us if your close family members are involved in such activities or have this type of participation.

We also do not use our activities at ebm-papst for our private benefit. We should avoid appointing business partners for private purposes. Business partners must not be given preferential treatment due to private interests.

We are part of a global society

Therefore, respecting other cultures and ideals is a given. We treat each other fairly, respectfully and openly. We oppose discrimination. Within the company, we are politically neutral.


Only authorized persons may make official statements on behalf of ebm-papst. Statements concerning the Group must be agreed with the Corporate Communications department in Mulfingen before publication.

Your report can help!
The ebm‑papst incident reporting system

ebm‑papst is committed to responsible corporate governance. Therefore, compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies is of the greatest importance at ebm‑papst. Dealing with weaknesses and errors openly helps in the early identification of necessary steps and measures to avert damage to the reputation and assets of ebm‑papst, its employees and business partners.

The web-based and certified whistleblower system BKMS® Incident Reporting is available to all employees and business partners of the ebm‑papst Group as well as any other person around the clock and regardless of location to report compliance violations of legal requirements and internal organizational rules.

You can submit your report anonymously or by providing your contact information. As we seek open communication, we would like to encourage you to state your name when making a report. In any case, we will treat your information as strictly confidential and take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved.

You can submit a report here:
Incident Reporting System*:
*Please note that the call of the link may be tracked. 
To avoid this, please copy the Internet address and paste it into your browser.

On the homepage you will find information about submitting and handling reports.

For more information on how the whistleblower system works, please visit the homepage of Business Keeper GmbH, Germany.


We seek personal contact with you!

As an employee of ebm‑papst, your first contact should always be your manager.

As a business partner or stakeholder of ebm‑papst, you can contact your known contact person at any time. 

If you do not have a direct contact person, you can communicate your questions and suggestions to the Group Risk & Compliance Officer at any time. 

Sarah Worden

Compliance Officer

100 Hyde Road , 06032 Farmington , United States
