Ventilation upgrade for the polyester manufacturer

AHU Retrofit, Thailand

Quieter, more efficient, requiring less maintenance – those were the demands of packaging giant Polyplex for its new ventilation system. And it found the solution in the form of an ebm‑papst FanGrid with EC fans.

Whether it’s a yogurt lid, a candy wrapper, or a cable sheath, there’s a pretty good chance that the basic material was produced by Polyplex. The company is one of the biggest names in its field, producing a wide variety of PET films for a range of applications.

At its head office in the Thai capital Bangkok, the company has been focused on significantly driving down operating costs. As a result, the ventilation system’s energy consumption has halved.

Greater Efficiency Thanks to Modern Fans

The 20-year-old belt-driven AC fans in the manufacturing facility in Bangkok had definitely seen better days. This was clear from the much too high energy consumption and continually increasing maintenance costs. What’s more, the fans left increasingly more to be desired in terms of cooling.

A FanGrid makes it possible to control the ventilation system more easily, while making it significantly more reliable.

When searching for new fans for the ventilation system, the Polyplex team came across products from ebm‑papst – more specifically, EC RadiPac fans. The team at ebm‑papst Thailand suggested installing two of these fans in a FanGrid. This makes it possible to control the ventilation system more easily, while making it significantly more reliable. If one of the fans malfunctions, the other can easily compensate for this problem by increasing its speed.

Retrofit in Two Days

Once Polyplex had been won over by this approach, the upgrade began: In just two days of intensive teamwork, the assembly team removed the old fans and installed the new ones from ebm‑papst. The team carried out the retrofit in record time, meaning that Polyplex could immediately benefit from a quieter ventilation system with full speed control, and energy savings of 49 percent.