At the same time, the supply chains for medical technology are coming under pressure. It is now important to avoid bottlenecks as much as possible, because good medical and medical-technical support is crucial in dealing with the dangerous virus.
ebm-papst has been manufacturing components for breathing machines for many years. In the situation, the CEO has given the highest priority to the production and delivery of medical technology components at all ebm-papst locations worldwide. Specifically, this involves the demand for components for respirators and breathing apparatus (PAPR), as well as analysis equipment in laboratories. Existing customers ask for deliveries and request increases in quantities. In addition, ebm-papst receives many new inquiries - some in the six-digit range - from well-known companies both in the medical technology field and in other industries. Compared to the time before the pandemic, inquiries have currently increased fifteen times.
For the breathing machines, ebm-papst supplies a wide variety of products. In addition to motor, motor control and the associated electronics, complete centrifugal blowers from the fan and motor manufacturer are used. Up to now, the increased demand has been met by ebm-papst having greatly increased its capacities in this area.
"Thanks to the extraordinary commitment of the employees and the excellent work of the Sales, Production and Purchasing departments, decisions on the targeted use of our resources and capacities are made in close coordination," emphasizes Jochen Schultheiss - Sales Manager Medical/ Compact Air Technology.
In the coming months, ebm-papst will do everything possible to continue to meet the increased demand. Nevertheless, bottlenecks cannot be completely ruled out, since the additional inquiry quantities are far in excess of the increased current delivery quantities. Furthermore, the production of components is spread over various locations and countries, which in turn requires a functioning, worldwide supply chain.
"We see it as our social responsibility to meet the increased demand in the medical technology sector and are doing everything in our power to adjust production capacities accordingly. Our top priorities are to protect the health of our employees, maintain business operations and ensure supplies to our customers," says Stefan Brandl, CEO of the ebm-papst Group.