GreenIntelligence gas blower with LIN-Bus interface Until now, blower-specific data such as power consumption, airflow, and speed could only be processed inside gas blowers. Thanks to LIN-Buses, water heater manufacturers can now optimally use these and other sensor data. The RadiMix series from ebm-papst contains the first two representatives in the heat output range up to 50 kW: VG 71 and VG 100. They are both LIN-compatible and as a result, suitable for predictive maintenance in the spirit of GreenIntelligence. Their performance spectrum was designed for single- and multiple-family homes. Compact external rotor for higher pressures There are many situations in which fans have to work at high pressure, including complex air distribution networks or air ducts that have to fit in tight false ceilings and naturally need to have small cross sections. For applications like these, ebm-papst is introducing the RadiPac centrifugal fan for high pressure levels up to 2,500 pascal. The impeller has been aerodynamically optimized and the blade outlet width narrowed to enable the higher speeds that result in higher pressure. New RadiCal for precision air-conditioning units Also at ISH, ebm-papst will be also presenting the advanced development of its RadiCal centrifugal fans, which were designed for use in precision air-conditioning units, roof fans, FanGrids, and more. With the help of computer-supported optimization methods, impeller width, size of the intake area, blade contour, and blade thickness have all been adjusted to deliver higher airflow at a lower head. As a result, the new RadiCal achieves a maximum efficiency of 68.5% at an airflow of 13,000 m³/h. In addition to the highlights mentioned above, further intelligently interconnected complete solutions for ventilation, air conditioning and heating technology will be on view at the ebm-papst booth in hall 8.0.