The development of fans is always faced with demands for greater and greater efficiency, while keeping noise levels as low as possible. The key topics at the international conference will be noise behavior in fans and aerodynamics, and applications and systems with fans. About 300 visitors from 30 countries are expected at the three-day event, which will be held entirely in English. Engineers from the leading fan manufacturers and academic staff from the most significant universities in this field will be attending the conference. Experts from ebm-papst in Mulfingen and St. Georgen will be holding presentations on a total of five topics. The Technical University Darmstadt and the University of Siegen, among others, are co-organizing the event, and ebm-papst is a member of the organizing committee. Other supporters include the VDMA and Eurovent. It is still possible to register as a sponsor for the conference. Information is available at www.fan2018.org. Please register at www.fan2018.org/gb/registration.html